Maryam M
5 min readMar 5, 2021

Rich man & Intelligent Person Story

A very rich man lived in this city. He had a lot of money and he was a little proud. Once he got an eye infection, his eyes got badly irritated due to the infection.

He went to the doctor but the doctor did not understand his illness. He had a lot of money and went to another country to get his eyes treated. A senior doctor said that you have an allergy in your eyes, an allergy that prevents you from seeing green.

If you see it, your eyes will get irritated and it will make your eyes look very bad so you don’t have to see any color other than green.

Because he had a lot of money, he called the big painter and told him to paint all the things I see wherever I go. Make a lot of things green

I shouldn’t see anything but green. He spent a lot of money on this work, but still something was left green, which was not possible, as he would look at the sky, only blue. The color will look at his daughter and when he eats, nothing will be green, so if he looks at his body, it will not be green either, then technically it was not possible. To make all things green

And every day the painters began to make things green.

One day an intelligent person was coming out of the same stairs with an open mind. He saw that everything around him was green. He asked the reason why it is green. So people told him the reason. The man went to the rich man and asked him

Why did you make all these things green when there was another solution? The rich man said, “What else can be the solution?” The intelligent man said, “The solution is very easy and very cheap.”

You are wasting your days for no reason and you are wasting your money too. He said I can tell you the solution without money. He said hurry up and tell me what is the solution.

The intelligent man said you wear green goggles which will cost a few rupees and you will not have to do

He saw how easy the solution was and I didn’t know how many things were being done

And to solve it, I had to think and meditate, while the solution was so simple

if I had stayed in one place and think I could have solved it myself but because I was in trouble which made my thinking smaller.

We need to broaden our thinking. We need to change our thinking. There are many problems in life that are very simple but our focus is not on this simple solution.

Many times the solution of things is in front of our eyes. We do not know it and get upset. Many times we waste our energy on useless things while the solution is very simple.

Always in a creative way and thinking of going out of the box, this term is often used, but to this day no one has said what it is like to think out of the box.

What is thinking outside the Box

To look at something in such a way that no one else can see it. Nowadays most people who are not creative walk on the same level. To be creative or imaginative is to see what no one sees and to think all that. No one else thought.

Our problem is we think the same way and want to stay in our comfort zone. All this can’t bring creativity. Creativity comes when we look at things from a different perspective.

You have to think, you have to work on it, you have to go from vertical thinking to lateral thinking

We live on logic and not risk taker. Risk taker works extra ordinary

From Quran Perspective

There are signs in the Qur’an for those who think, there are signs for those who reflect, and Iqbal has also made it a second that I should count the living person who does not even dream and does not even think.

Our brain is the only thing in the world that is the name of our thoughts, our feelings, our thoughts and our endeavors. In fact, we often say that such and such a person is very intelligent and very intelligent.


But the fact is that intelligence is related to our thinking, life experiences and analytical power. The more we think, the more intelligent we become.

According to science

According to science, Einstein was the only human being who used only five percent of his brain and created panic all over the world. Creative thinking means understanding something in a new way, storing information in your mind He is for you

For example, if someone tells you that the earth is round, then this is information, but the creative person will look for proof of this and will not believe it until his mind accepts this proof.

A creative person does everything differently because his goal is not just to work but to understand the work. Only those people in the world who think creatively are successful

One of the most dangerous sciences of today is that our creative thinking is disappearing and We are getting involved in shortcuts, which is why children’s marks are 90%, but no one can become Newton or Einstein.

Remembering the subject is not a success. Understanding the content of the subject and applying it to life is the real success as long as the quality of education is weighed in terms of the number of degrees and marks. As long as educated people and people with degrees can be born, but not creative thinking scientists

Then the fear of failure will lead to suicide and anxiety in children because it is the creative thinking that makes a person like What makes a man like Einstein successful despite being rejected from university is thought to force Thomas Edison to make another attempt at a time-bulb failure and ultimately succeed.

edward de bono says that person can be nerst, can think maximum posibalites and can be more creative.

Edward de bono says that Creativity is key We like logical thinking We don’t like random thinking and that’s the worst problem When we do logical thinking creativity decreases so creativity is more in children because in them LOGICAL THINKING LESS


There is no value in copying in this world, no matter how bad we are, we will always have to struggle, so always try to make your work creative and make your thinking creative.

There are so many problems in our life that we have to think about what to do. We think that all the doors of life are closed and how to get out of them. This is the worst problem of my life. Out of the box will do the thinking, as the boy did, you will find a solution

This solution is hidden inside the problem Just need to move the mind up and down The solution will be in front of you.

